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Media Information

Cohen Communications is the acting agency for all Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations functions. All media must have obtained media credentials from the Merced County Fair to gain admission to the fair for news coverage. Please see our Media Credential Policy below.


For additional media inquiries, please contact: 

Danielle Griffin

(559) 967-3604


Celeste Zavala

(559) 776-8911


Media Credential Policy

Our policy is approved by our Chief Executive Officer, Teresa Burrola, who delegates the responsibility of issuing media credentials to the Merced County Fair Communications Department. Working media is identified below as those media personnel who have obtained approved Merced County Fair Media Credentials.

All persons representing media organizations that request official media credentials and privileges during the 2024 Merced County Fair will be issued an official media credential upon employment verification. All media representatives will need to carry proof of employment at the news outlet identified on their Fair media credential (i.e. employee badge/station badge)


How to Request Media Credentials

  1. Media credentials used for purposes other than to conduct work on behalf of your media organization while at the fairgrounds may be revoked. This includes all unauthorized persons who are in possession of or misuse media credentials.

  2. Please email credential request including name, media organization and title to the Communications Department at

  3. Media credentials will be available for pick-up in the Administration Office from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. beginning on June 5.


Media credentials are for working media only, please

  1. Freelance reporters and photographers will not be issued media credentials unless they submit proof of employment/contract with a news organization. This could include a letter from a news director, editor or similar authority. No business cards or bylined articles will be accepted. The letter must be on original media organization letterhead and include a phone number of proper contact at the news organization if further information and clarification is needed.

  2. Bloggers and other online reporters will not be issued a press pass unless they can provide documentation of substantial web traffic/viewership (Google Analytics Reports or other web traffic reporting tool) and their blog/online news source must be at least one year old. Each media credential request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Media passes are not available to high school and college journalism or photography classes. Passes are given to college newspaper staffs and are available to high school newspaper staffs on a case-by-case basis. An application must be submitted by the newspaper faculty advisor to be considered.

Thanks for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Merced County Fair, June 5-9!

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