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Get Involved

The Friends of the Merced County Fair rely on your charitable donations to attain goals and continue to improve the Merced County Fair and Merced County Fairgrounds for the community to enjoy. Here is how you can get involved!


Become a Friends of the Merced County Fair Member

The easiest and best way to get involved is to become a Friends of the Merced County Fair member! Friends membership packages range from $30 - $3,000. Click here to download the 2024 Friends of the Merced County Fair Membership packet, which includes details on Friends of the Merced County Fair levels and what you receive in exchange.


Bricks of Honor - Buy A Brick and Be Part of History

Become a permanent part of the Merced County Fair! Memorialize a loved one, honor a friend or show your support with a commemorative brick(s) at the Hilmar Cheese Barn. Bricks range from $150 - $250 depending upon size. Bricks are assigned on a first-come, first served basis. Click here to download the Merced County Fair Brick Order Form.

Don’t wait, get involved today and become a part of the Merced County Fair!

Contact Details

Friends of the Merced County Fair
P.O Box 2292

Merced, CA 95344

For further information, contact

Eric Bianchi

(209) 769-9889

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